How to be more Self-confident?

April 28, 2022 By ascendadmin

April 28, 2022 By ascendadmin

How to be more Self-confident?

Have you ever felt…
• I can’t do this!
• How did I get this position?
• Will I make it?
• I’m not good enough.
Trust me, we’ve all been there.

When you hear the word ‘self-confidence’ what comes to your mind?
To me, it means – ‘loving myself and accepting myself for who I am.’
Self-confidence is an individual’s trust in her own knowledge and abilities and the belief that she can successfully face day to day challenges and demands.
Self-confidence is trusting yourself:trusting your knowledge, abilities and skills and believing in yourself.
Believing you can successfully handle whatever challenges that come your way.
Self- confidence is also knowing that even if progress is slow and success seems elusive at first, you have to stay on your path and trust in yourself and your dream.
I’ve had my struggles with self-confidence in my first year as an entrepreneur and here are some of lessons I’ve learnt:
1. Know Yourself:
You need to know yourself first.
What are your core values? What are your strengths? What are your potential derailers?
As an entrepreneur you are the face of your business. Your client is going to see your strength, spirit and confidence and be inspired to offer your business.
Write down, keep it somewhere you can see it or access it easily and read it frequently.
Use positive affirmations to remind yourself frequently about what makes you amazing!
2. Know your Business:
Research has proven that women who feel more competent feel more confident. We can’t fake it till we make it. We need to know our business like the back of our hand be confident. Be clear about what you can offer to your clients and more importantly what you cannot. Set clear expectations and then meet them consistently. This will increase your self-confidence and your client’s trust in you. Become a life-long learner of your craft and the areas around it. The world is changing at a fast pace and we need to keep up!
3. Know your Client:
Before you meet someone for a business meeting make sure you do your homework. Find out whatever you can about the person and her company. There is a wealth of information out there for you to use. Doing this will improve your confidence at the time of the meeting and will also help you be more impressive. The client will realise that you’ve made the effort to do your research and that you’re truly interested in making a mutual beneficial relationship.
Not knowing something is OK – Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The worst thing you can do to undermine your confidence is pretending to know something when you don’t. If you’re not sure you can always gracefully say, ‘ I need to do a little more research about this and then let me get back to you.’ Your client will respect that. ‘Not knowing’ is not a fault. Not asking for more information could be fatal.

4. Don’t be afraid to dream
You, and only you, can make new things happen in your life. Don’t be afraid to dream. You only have one life so make it count! Get into your discomfort zone- However scary it seems there is always growth outside your comfort zone. And even if you try something new and it doesn’t work out, it’s fine! It’s only a mistake if you have learnt nothing from it!
Be persistent, stick with it- ‘Consistency over intensity’.
5. Choose your people :
You are the company you keep. Choose your support group well. Surround yourself with strong, positive, talented, kind and encouraging coaches, friends or family members. Interacting with them should leave you energized and motivated.

6. Celebrate the small wins:
Women are extremely self-critical. Don’t let that little voice inside you bring you down. Set your eyes on the big prize but don’t forget that it’ll take a 100 steps to get there perhaps. Does this mean that it only counts if you reach the ultimate goal? No! Absolutely not! Celebrate every little step you’ve taken to move forward, to progress and to get a little bit closer to your dream.

7. Practice self-compassion:
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Self- compassion and goal achievement go hand in hand according to a recent study from Harvard Business School. You aren’t going to get anywhere if you keep beating yourself up.

Start by believing that YOU ARE ENOUGH and then rise to meet whatever challenge comes your way.

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